
Declarative PL/SQL

SQL is a set-oriented, language. A language or statement is declarative if it describes the computation to be performed (or in SQL, the set of data to be retrieved/modified) without specifying how to compute it. PL/SQL is a , tightly integrated with SQL, and intended primarily to allow us to build powerful, secure APIs to underlying data (via SQL). If I try hard, I can maximize the procedural side of PL/SQL and minimize the declarative aspect of SQL (primarily by ignoring or discounting the set-orientation of SQL). That's generally a bad idea. Instead, we Oracle Database developers make the most of the many powerful features of SQL (think: analytic functions, pattern matching, joins, etc.), and minimize processing in PL/SQL.Know more sql plsql online training What we should also do, though, is recognize the make the most of the declarative features of PL/SQL. There are two big reasons to do this: 1. When you don't tell the PL/SQL compiler how to do things, the optimizer has m